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We make (more) music!

We don't just trade any goods, we are musicians. With passion and with passion! And so we don't just quote what's on the packaging when you ask us about a product. Since we have years of experience making music ourselves, we also know whether it is what you need and are looking for and whether there is even something that suits you better. Introducing the entire team would go beyond the frame of a website, but you can get to know some of our employees here:

Olli Lohmann

Likes HSS Strats and homemade cookies

To Olli's profile

Niko Goebel

Funny sample man

To Niko's profile

Emil Abrigada

Don't worry, he just wants to play

To Emil's profile

Marco Ramazzotto-Joppe

Cap aficionado and bass pound

To Marco's profile

Christian Schmidt

Don't think there's anything wrong with the action in this piano

To Christian's profile

To be continued...