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Hard to fuzz?

Fuzz pedals at a glance

The fuzz pedal was not only one of the first stompboxes for electric guitar and electric bass, but also the origin of all other distortion pedals. The first fuzz effect, the Maestro Fuzz-Tone FZ-1, came onto the market in 1962 and is probably most prominently used on the recording of (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones.

From Jimi Hendrix to David Gilmour to Jack White, the typical dense and creamy distortion of a fuzz pedal has been an integral part of rock and pop music ever since. In the 1990s, stoner rock developed as a musical style that was heavily influenced by Black Sabbath and in which a wall of sound made of deep fuzz-distorted guitars is genre-defining.

What the fuzz? !? How do the different pedals sound?

In the video we show you a selection of the different fuzz pedals that are particularly suitable for application in the Vintage, desert, stoner rock and doom genres. In their talk, Lennard and Julian will show you how the fuzz pedals differ in sound. Click in!

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Buy the most popular fuzz pedals at session now: