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EVH Guitars

EVH Guitars - these are electric guitars from the master himself. Eddie Van Halen not only stands for brilliant and epoch-making guitar solos, but also for the legendary instruments on which he presented his groundbreaking guitar playing. And they are available to you under his brand EVH - now also at affordable prices.

Behind the abbreviation EVH is none other than guitar god Eddie Van Halen himself. Early in his career he built his own guitars, such as the legendary Frankenstein, and later teamed up with Peavey to build the groundbreaking 5150 guitar amp. A few years ago, Eddie entered into a collaboration with Fender , and this resulted not only in what is now the third version of the 5150 guitar amplifier, but also in the various versions of his perfectly thought-out and crafted Wolfgang electric guitars. In addition to occasional reissues of legendary guitar models, such as the current Striped Series, there are lots of great accessories, such as the Frankenstein humbucker, pots and guitar picks. We are already looking forward to the next news from EVH and Van Halen!

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